10. February 2015
  ART-PHOTOGRAPHY   GALLERY   Searching for the soul of Africa
Searching for the soul of Africa

What is Africa? Hoping to discover the answer to this question led photographer Stefan Schutz to travel 60,000 kilometers through the continent.

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Searching for the soul_3The resulting photos are in a style never seen before: simple and intense.  Photos full of dignity and beauty that clearly show a respectful camera distance despite the closeness of the shot.


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In 320 pages ‘A view of Africa’ presents over 250 photographs of spectacular scenes far from the beaten path normally traveled by tourists, the people of Africa, the animals, and the landscape from 20 African states. The book provides a unique kaleidoscope of this multifaceted continent. The photos show the interplay between the different customs, cultures, traditions, and the varying connections to nature.

more about the Afrika trip under: www.stefanschuetz.com/views-of-africa    www.gllry.com

more about Stefan Schütz: here in the Caliriko online magazine  under: artist

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