20. March 2015
  LIFESTYLE   fashion café
fashion café

Patrizia Zewe – Peggy Guggenheim of Munich, now from Bad Tölz, – does not leave it. The fashion has determined her life since the earliest childhood. Grown up as a daughter of enterprisers in the fashion business, career as a model made and later than boutique owner. It is not further surprising that she celebrates fashion in herself stylistically confidently and unusually every single day. In the meantime, nevertheless, she has quite different ambitions. She is herself an artist, gallery owner, art patron and for many years organizer big and extraordinary “wilful” art events.


But, as already mentioned, she is not able to leave it. She has to deal with fashion and even it is only „ for fun”. Even this happens only in two afternoons in the year. Completely to Patrizias motto: It must be different, than the present. An event with a new idea. Thus she invented her Fashion café. Finally at the 19. of April 2015 3 o’clock pm it happens again in the artgalerie in the Marktstrasse in Bad Tölz. fahion café 2015


Already in Munich this private fashion highlight was a confidential tip. Even the television was interested in it, because from this unusual idea one had to inform to the ladies of the Bavarian capital.



However, there are some rules at the Fashion café to follow: Everybody can bring up to 10 parts for the sales or exchange. The parts should be fashionably, trendy or vintage. Only outfits of the respective person may be brought, no child clothes or even old clothes. Patrizia Zewe places big value of the fact, that this action is not put on a par with a flea market. She demands stylish level


The birth of the “Fashion of cafés” was in Dusseldorf-Oberkassel in the early 90s years. Patrizias shop “stubborness”, named after her life motto, has been the most announced meeting point for trendy, sensational fashion of this time. The press reported often and with pleasure about this – a little bit other sales method. It can be seen here on press clippings of the Dusseldorf newspaper from this time.

But, as already mentioned, she is not able to leave it. She has to deal with fashion and even it is only „ for fun”. Even this happens only in two afternoons in the year. Completely to Patrizias motto: It must be different, than the present. An event with a new idea. Thus she invented her Fashion café.


the Düsseldorf daily newspaper had shown Patrizia Zewe in her Shop called “Stubberness”


Her experience shows that her concept rises. “Stubborness gives pleasure”. The communication and attaching new contacts and the fun is often more important in the thing, than to make a bargain or a good deal. As one sees in the newspaper articles of the last years, everyone in Munich like now in Bad Tölz is completely enthusiastically.

The success of the Fashion Café is the private frame in “wilful” Location after the motto “shopping at your friend”.

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